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Body Gratitude - Your Body is Listening

Writer: Christine ShawChristine Shaw

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

They say that neurons that fire together, wire together. Where your mind ventures, what it tells itself about the outside world, and how it perceives its own existence within your skull all have direct effects on heart rate, sweating, dopamine or serotonin levels, and cortisol (stress hormone) production, along with a whole host of other bodily functions. The human body is an amazing creation, and the nervous system that controls it manages millions of chemical processes every second we're alive.

Having a long history of chronic pain and various physical ailments, I’m quite familiar with feeling like my body has betrayed me. During my three years of hip pain and two resulting full hip replacements, there were times I honestly didn’t know how I was going to make it from the couch to the door. It’s hard not to berate tissues that won’t cooperate in the moment. It’s hard not to want to wallow in searing pain that consumes your focus and won’t let you pay attention to anything else.

This constant barrage of pain signals can increase inflammation, reduce the body’s ability to heal, and create psychological, biochemical, and physical stress throughout the nervous system. Your nervous system runs everything in your body. All processes are modulated and regulated by it. The nervous system listens and responds in real time. What's more, the thoughts you think and the emotions they trigger — stress or joy — interact with your body’s chemical environment, shaping nervous system responses that align with those thoughts.

One example I share with clients is the “lemon story.” I have them close their eyes and imagine they’re standing in a vast green field on a warm spring day. At the far end is a beautiful lemon tree with bright, ripe yellow lemons hanging from it. The birds are singing, and you can smell the grass and flowers as you walk up to the tree. You pluck the ripest lemon, take out a pocket knife, and cut it open. You see the individual juice pockets inside the lemon, and you know what’s next. You bring it to your mouth and bite into it, feeling the juice hit your taste buds. At this point, most people are salivating. Just visualizing this scenario causes a real, physical response.

This is why mindfulness and practices of presence are so important in combating pain, injury, stress, anxiety, and inflammation — essentially, anything your nervous system regulates. Where your mind goes, your body follows. At this point, clients often ask me where to start on this journey of presence. I suggest a simple “chanting” practice. Pick a word or phrase you can use as a mantra. Some examples I’ve shared with clients include: soft, om, breath, ground, expand, sing, and even strawberry shortcake. Once you have your word or phrase, go to a quiet place without screens or distractions, and for 3 minutes a day, repeat it out loud over and over again. This exercise serves three purposes: increasing happy neurotransmitters in the brain, promoting better oxygen exchange in the body, and affirming positive intentions for your life.

The only other suggestion I have is to cultivate an “attitude of gratitude” toward your body and nervous system as you practice mindfulness. Learn to listen to how your body responds to your conscious care and support. Become friends with your tissues. Speak to them kindly and thank them for taking care of you. I often kiss each of my fingers and thank them for allowing me to do what I love in this world. Your body is your friend — let’s start speaking to it nicely.



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Christine Shaw Integral Balance Bodywork LLC.

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